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Past Events
Speaker: Colloquium: Computational Mechanics for the Modeling and Exploration of Modern Engineering MaterialsESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: Colloquium: Next Generation Material Technologies for Future Li-ion BatteriesESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: Colloquium: Leveraging the Electrochemically Properties of Redox-Active Particles for Energy StorageESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: Colloquium: Tracking Degradation in Commercial Li Batteries with High Chemical and Temporal ResolutionESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: Colloquium: In-situ phase equilibria and thermal expansion above 3000 ˚CESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: Colloquium: Publishing interdisciplinary materials science research in the Physical Review journalszoom | 11:00am
Speaker: Colloquium: Equilibration of Block Copolymer Micelles: How Difficult Can It Be?ESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: Colloquium: Non-equilibrium dynamics in functional materialsESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: Colloquium: Dynamics of realistic materials and surfaces from first principles and machine learning computationsESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: Colloquium: Development of New Routes to Benign Polymeric MaterialsMRL 2053 / ZOOM | 11:00am
Speaker: Colloquium: Development of Medium-Voltage III-Nitride Power Electronic DevicesESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: Colloquium: Tuning the interplay of magnetism and band topology in intrinsic topological insulators MnBi2nTe3n+1ESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: Colloquium: High-performance materials for extreme environments: Controlling interstitials and processing approachesESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: Colloquium: Exploring the connections between chelating polymer structure and rare-earth element binding thermodynamicsESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: Colloquium: The James Webb Space Telescope; Its Mission, Design and DevelopmentESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: Colloquium: Mechanism-guided discovery of photocontrolled materials and reactionsElings 1601 | 10:30am
Speaker: Colloquium: Engineering Ion-Specific Selectivity in Charged Polymer Membranes and CoatingsESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: Colloquium: Networks: Taking Care of Connections and Their EnvironmentESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: Colloquium: Coupling Formulation and Processability for the Design and Manufacture of Polymeric MaterialsESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: Colloquium: Materials Chemistry of Organ Pipe MetalMRL 2053 and Zoom | 11:00am
Speaker: Colloquium: Excitonic Properties of Imperfect 2D Materials: The Impact of Defects and Temperature from First PrinciplesMRL 2053 and Zoom | 11:00am
Speaker: Colloquium: "Manipulating Chiral Textures in Ferroic Oxides"Zoom | 11:00am
Speaker: Colloquium: "Correlated Oxides and their Interfaces: A Versatile Platform for Next-Generation Electronic Devices"Zoom | 11:00am