Upcoming Colloquium Events
Advancing Materials Analysis and Discovery: 4D-STEM and Intelligent Data ExplorationESB 1001 | 11:00am
Order from disorder: Designing sequence-programmable protein condensates| 11:00am
Past Events
Speaker: Self-assembly models for crystal growth and phase transitionsESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: Is Grain Growth in Materials Predictable?MRL 2053 | 11:00am
Speaker: When do Ultrafast Processes Matter? From Batteries to Strong Localization in Solar MaterialsMRL 2043 | 11:00am
Speaker: Advances in Ab Initio Approaches for Predicting the Nature and Fate of Photoexcitations in Emerging SemiconductorsESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: Harnessing the Power of Catalysis and Polymers to Address Modern Challenges in 3D Printing and Gas SeparationsESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: Molecular Assembly of Living and Lifelike MaterialsESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: Electrical Characterization of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Point Defects in GaNESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: Creating Value from Carbon Dioxide: The Development of Sorption-enhanced Catalysts to Promote a Circular EconomyESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: Data-driven constitutive relations: Multiscale modeling and experimental inferenceESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: Nanomechanics of phase transforming nanopillars: deformation mechanism, size effect and scaling lawESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: Materials Design for Hypersonics: From Bench Top Engineering to Live Flight Testing Beyond Mach 5MRL 2053 | 10:00am
Speaker: Colloidal Design at the Nano, Micro, and Macro Scales: Materials that Can Move, Morph, Protect and HealESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: Oxide electronic materials – from ultra-wide bandgap semiconductors to metals with conductivities rivalling copperESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: One is the Loneliest Number: Multielectron Processes for Next-Generation BatteriesESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: Stable Isotope Materials and Chemistry at Oak Ridge National LaboratoryESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: Towards sustainable materials from biological matter: leveraging macromolecular composition, bonding motifs and hierarchical structure to tailor mechanical performanceESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: Colloquium: Elasto-plastic stochasticity: the role of atomic level fluctuations on mesoscale deformation properties in complex alloysESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: Colloquium: Next Generation Additive Manufacturing for Structured Electrode Lithium-ion BatteriesESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: Colloquium: Recent Progress of Anode-free Lithium Metal BatteriesESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: Colloquium: Quantum Materials: Magnetism and CatalysisESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: Colloquium: Engineering Biomaterials and Matrix Signals to Repair Large-Scale Bone DefectsESB 1001 | 11:00am
Speaker: Speaker: Colloquium: Ferroelectricity and Multiferroicity in Layered Perovskite Oxides: Perspectives from Theory and ComputationMRL 2053 | 11:00am