

For a current schedule of classes, login to GOLD and filter by the "Materials" subject area.

10 - Materials in Society, the Stuff of Dreams (4)
A survey of new technological substances and materials, the scientific method used in their development, and their relation to society and the economy. Emphasis on uses of new materials in the human body, electronics, optics, sports, transportation, and infrastructure.
Prerequisites: Not open to engineering, pre-computer science, or computer science majors.

100A - Structure and Properties I (3)
An introduction to materials in modern technology. The internal structure of materials and its underlying principles: bonding, spatial organization of atoms and molecules, structural defects. Electrical, magnetic and optical properties of materials, and their relationship with structure.
Prerequisites: Chem 1A-B, Math 4B, 6A, 6B.

100B - Structure and Properties II (3)
Mechanical and thermal properties of engineering materials and their relationship to bonding and structure. Elastic, flow and fracture behavior; time dependent deformation and failure. Stiffening, strengthening, and toughening mechanisms. Piezoelectricity, magnetostriction, and thermo-mechanical interactions in materials.
Prerequisites: Materials 100A. 
Note: Not open for credit to students who have completed Materials 101. If students take Materials 101 & Materials 100B, they will only receive major credit for one of the courses. Preference for enrollment is given to students interested in the combined 5-year BS-Engineering/MS-Materials or BS-Chemistry/MS-Materials programs.

100C - Fundamentals of Structural Evolution (3)
An introduction to the thermodynamic and kinetic principles governing structural evolution in materials. Phase equilibria, diffusion and structural transformations. Metastable structures in materials. Self-assembling systems. Structural control through processing an/or imposed fields. Environmental effects on structure and properties.
Prerequisites: Materials 100A and Materials 100B.

101 - Introduction to the Structures and Properties of Materials (3)
Introduction to the structure of engineering materials and its relationship with their mechanical properties. Structure of solids and defects. Concepts of microstructure and origins. Elastic, plastic flow and fracture properties. Mechanisms of deformation and failure. Stiffening, strengthening, and toughening mechanisms.

Enrollment comments: Upper division standing. Not open for credit to students who have completed Materials 101; If students take Materials 101 & Materials 100B, they will only receive major credit for one of the courses. Students interested in the combined 5-year BS-Engineering/MS-Materials program should not take this course.

135 - Biophysics and Biomolecular Materials (3)
Structure and function of cellular molecules (lipids, nucleic acids, proteins, and carbohydrates). Genetic engineering techniques of molecular biology. Biomolecular materials and biomedical applications (e.g., bio-sensors, drug delivery systems, gene carrier systems).
Prerequisites: Physics 5 or 6C or 25.

160 - Introduction to Polymer Science (3)
Introductory course covering synthesis, characterization, structure, and mechanical properties of polymers. The course is taught from a materials perspective and includes polymer thermodynamics, chain architecture, measurement and control of molecular weight as well as crystallization and glass transitions.
Prerequisites: Chemistry 107A-B or 109A-B.

162A - Quantum Description of Electronic Materials (4)
Electrons as particles and waves, Schrodinger equation and illustrative solutions. Tunneling. Atomic structure, the exclusion principle and the periodic table. Bonds, free electrons in metals, periodic potentials and energy bands.
Prerequisites: ECE 130A-B and 134 with a minimum grade of C- in all. Open to EE and Materials majors only.
Same course as ECE 162A.

162B - Fundamentals of the Solid State (4)
Crystal lattices and the structure of solids, with emphasis on semiconductors. Lattice vibrations, electronic states and energy bands. Electrical and thermal conduction. Dielectric and optical properties. Semiconductor devices: diffusion, P-N junctions and diode behavior.
Prerequisites: ECE or Materials 162A with a minimum grade of C-. Open to EE and Materials majors only.
Same course as ECE 162B.

185 - Materials in Engineering (3)
Introduces the student to the main families of materials and the principles behind their development, selection, and behavior. Discussion of the generic properties of metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites more relevant to structural applications. The relationship of properties to structure and processing is emphasized in every case.
Prerequisites: Materials 100B or 101.

186A - Manufacturing and Materials (3)
Introduction to the fundamentals of common manufacturing processes and their interplay with the structure and properties of materials as they are transformed into products. Emphasis on process understanding and the key physical concepts and basic mathematical relationships involved in each of the processes discussed.
Prerequisites: ME 151C and ME 15; and Materials 100B or 101.

186B - Introduction to Additive Manufacturing (3)
Introduction to additive manufacturing processes: a review of manufacturing methods and process selection consideration, economies of production, common additive manufacturing strategies, and a brief description of the physics of photopolymerization, extrusion, selective laser melting and e-beam melting fabrication.  

200A - Thermodynamic Foundation of Materials (4)
The microscopic statistical mechanical foundations of the macroscopic thermodynamics of materials, with applications to ideal and non-ideal gases, electrons and phonons in solids, multicomponent solutions, phase equilibria in single and multicomponent systems, and capillarity.

200B - Electronic and Atomic Structure of Materials (4)
The free electron model; electron levels in periodic potentials. Classification of solids. Role of electronic structure in atomic bonding and atomic packing, cohesion. Surfaces, interfaces, and junction effects. Semiconductors. Transition-metal compounds. Amorphous solids. Liquid crystals. Colloids and Soft Materials.

200C - Structure Evolution (4)
Study of phenomena underlying the evolution of structure across the relevant length and time scales in Materials. Structural defects. Driving forces, mechanisms and kinetics of structural changes. Diffusional transport. Fundamentals of phase transformations. Crystallization. Evolution of microstructural features and patterns.

200Q - Introduction to Quantum Mechanics for Materials (3)
A graduate level course on quantum mechanics for materials students who have had limited exposure to the subject. Topics will include: The Schrodinger equation, wave functions, observables and operators; solutions to a particle in a box, harmonic oscillator and a free particle; the formalism of quantum mechanics, dirac notation; angular momentum, solutions to the hydrogen atom; spin and two state systems; perturbation theory, composite systems, entanglement, Pauli exclusion principle.

200S - Introduction to Structure & Phase Stability (3)
A primer course for incoming graduate students with non-MSE background. Basic concepts of structure and descriptors: crystalline and non-crystalline solids, compounds, solid solutions. Structural imperfections: point defects, dislocations and strain fields, surfaces, interfaces. Defects in ionic crystals. Thermodynamic underpinnings of phase diagrams: phase rule, chemical potential, equilibrium conditions, metastability. Unary systems. Fundamentals of binary systems, allotropes, invariant reactions, phase fractions and compositions, relationship with structure evolution. Maps for reacting systems, Ellingham diagrams, predominance diagrams. Introduction to ternary systems: liquidus surfaces and basic invariant reactions.

204 - Introduction to Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (3)
Review of elementary magnetostatics. Discussion of quantum mechanical origins of magnetism. Properties of ferro-, para- dia- and antiferro-magnetics and the theories that describe them. Magnetic phenomena and materials manifesting magnetic states in both localized and itinerant limits.

205 - Wide-Band Gap Materials and Devices (3)
Optical and electrical properties of wide and ultra-wide band gap semiconductors (Al,In,Ga) N, SiC, Ga2O3, diamond-based semiconductor materials. Theory and practical applications of wide-band materials in electronic and optoelectronic devices. Materials growth techniques of MOCVD and MBE are discussed in the particular context of WBG semiconductors. Applications of these materials in lasers, LEDs, high frequency transistors and power devices emphasized.

206A - Fundamentals of Electronic Solids I (4)
Introduction to the physics of semiconductors, for beginning engineering graduate students. Crystal structures. Reciprocal lattice and crystal diffraction. Electrons in periodic structures. Energy and bands. Semiconductor electrons and probes, Fermi statistics.
Prerequisites: MATRL 162A-B; or ECE 162A-B
Same course as ECE 215A

206B - Fundamentals of Electronic Solids II (4)
Phonons, electron scattering, electronic transport, selected optical properties, heterostructures, effective mass, quantum wells, two-dimensional electron gas, quantum wires, deep levels, and crystal binding.
Prerequisites: MATRL 162A-B; or ECE 162A-B.
Same course as ECE 215B.

207 - Mechanics of Materials (3)
Matrices and tensors, stress deformation and flow, compatibility conditions, constitutive equations, field equations and boundary conditions in fluids and solids, applications in solid and fluid mechanics.
Same course as ME 219.

209A - Crystallography and Diffraction Fundamentals (3)
Diffraction theory: fourier transformation, schrodinger equation, Maxwells equations, kinematical theory, Fresnel diffraction, Fraunhofer diffraction, scattering of x-rays, electrons and neutrons by isolated atoms and assemblies of atoms, pair correlation and radial distribution functions. Basic symmetry operations, point groups, space groups.

209B - X-Ray Diffraction II: Advanced Methods (3)
This course will focus on modern diffraction techniques from crystalline materials. High resolution x-ray diffraction. Analysis of epitaxial layers. X-ray scattering theory. Simulation of x-ray rocking curves. Analysis of thin films and multiple layers. Triple-axis x-ray diffractometry. Topography. Synchotron techniques.

209C - Electron Microscopy II: Crystalline Materials (3) 
Electron microscopy to study defect structures, elastic and inelastic scattering, kinematics theory of image contrast, bright and dark field imaging, two-beam conditions, contrast from imperfections, dynamical theory of diffraction and image contrast. Howie Whellan equations, dispersion surfaces.

211A - Engineering Quantum Mechanics I (4) 
Wave-particle duality; bound states; uncertainty relations; expectation values and operators; variational principle; eigenfunction expansions; perturbation theory I. Treatment matches needs and background of ECE and materials students emphasizing solid state or quantum electronics.
Prerequisites: MATRL 162A-B or ECE 162 A-B; Students must have some knowledge of linear algebra

211B - Engineering Quantum Mechanics II (4) 
Continuation of Materials 211A; symmetry and degeneracy; electrons in crystals, angular momentum; perturbation theory II; transition probabilities; quantized fields and radiative transitions; magnetic fields; electron spin; indistinguishable particles.
Prerequisites: ECE 211A or Materials 211A, or ECE 215A or Materials 206A.

214 - Advanced Topics in Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics (3) 
Application of the principles of statistical mechanics and thermodynamics to treat classical fluid systems at equilibrium. Topics include liquid state theory, computer simulation methods, critical phenomena and scaling principles, interfacial statistical mechanics, and electrolyte theory.

215A - Semiconductor Device Processing (4)

Intensive theoretical and laboratory instruction in solid-state device and integrated circuit fabrication. Topics include: semiconductor materials properties and characterization, phase diagrams, diffusion, thermal oxidation, vacuum process, thin film deposition, scanning electron microscopy. Both gallium arsenide and silicon technologies are presented.
Prerequisite: ECE 124B-C
Same course as ECE 220A.

215B - Semiconductor Device Processing (4) 

Continued theoretical and laboratory instruction in the fundamentals, the design, the fabrication, and the characterization of junction and field-effect devices. Topics will include bipolar characterization, design, fabrication, and testing. The laboratory effort initiated in Matrl 215Awill be continued in these quarters.
Prerequisite: Materials 215A; or ECE 220A.
Same course as ECE 220B.

215C - Semiconductor Device Processing (4) 
Continued theoretical and laboratory instruction in the fundamentals, the design, the fabrication, and the characterization of junction and field-effect devices. Topics will include bipolar characterization, design, fabrication, and testing. The laboratory effort initiated in Matrl 215A will be continued in these quarters.
Prerequisite: Materials 215A; or ECE 220A
Same course as ECE 220C.

216 - Defects in Semiconductors (3) 
Structural and electronic properties of elementary defects in semiconductors. Point defects and impurity complexes. Deep levels. Dislocations and grain boundary electronic properties. Measurement techniques for radiative and nonradiative defect centers.
Prerequisites: MATRL 162A-B; or ECE 162A-B
Same course as ECE 216.

217 - Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Band Gap Engineering (3) 
Fundamentals and recent research developments in the growth and properties of thin crystalline films of electronic and optical materials by the process of molecular beam epitaxy. Artificially structured materials with quantized electron confinement and artificially engineered electronic band structure properties. Normally offered in alternate years.
Prerequisites: MATRL 162A-B or ECE 162A-B and 213
Same course as ECE 217.

218 - Introduction to Inorganic Materials (3) 
Structures of inorganic materials: close packing, linking of simple polyhedra. Factors that control structure: Ionic radii, covalency, ligand field effects, metal bonding, electron/atom ratios. Structure-property relationships in e.g. spinels, garnets, perovskites, rutiles, flourites, zeolites, B-aluminas, graphites, common inorganic glasses.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 274.
Same course as Chem 277.

219 - Phase Transformations (3) 
Introduction to the unifying concepts underlying phase transformation in metals, ceramics, polymers, and electronic materials. Includes the thermodynamics, kinetics, crystallography and microstructural characterization of displacive and diffusional transformations. Role of elastics, compositional, configurational, electrical, magnetic and gradient energy contributions.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor 

220 - Mechanical Behavior of Materials (3) 
Concepts of stress and strain. Deformation of metals, polymers and ceramics. Elasticity, viscoelasticity, plastic flow, and creep. Linear elastic fracture mechanics. Mechanisms of ductile and brittle fracture. 
Prerequisite: Materials 207 or ME 219; Consent of instructor 

222A - Colloids and Interfaces I (3)

Introduction to the various intermolecular interactions in solutions and in colloidal systems: Van der Waals, electrostatic, hydrophobic, solvation, H-bonding. Introduction to colloidal systems: particles, micelles, polymers, etc. Surfaces: wetting, contact angles, surface tension, etc.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor 

222B - Colloids and Interfaces II (3)

Continuation of 222A. Interparticle interactions, coagulation, flocculation, DLVO theory, steric interactions, polymer coated surfaces, polymers in solution, viscosity in thin liquid films. Surfactant self-assembly: micelles, micro-emulsions, lamellar phases, etc. Surfactants on surfaces: Langmuir-Blodgett films, absorption, adhesion.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor; Materials 222A, ChE 222A or BMSE 222A recommended. 
Same course as ChE 222B & BMSE 222B. Continuation of 222A.


224 – Optical and Luminescent Materials (3) 
Description of the principles underlying the optical and luminescent behavior of materials illustrated with applications drawn from phosphors, optical fibers, optical memories, and electro-optical components and immuno-assay techniques. Fundamental concepts of absorption and emission, and their relation to electronic structure and crystal properties.

226 - Symmetry and Tensor Properties of Materials (3) 
Description of the principles of crystal symmetry, functional materials, and their properties, including dielectrics, piezoelectrics, and magnetic and transport phenomena. Fundamental concepts, tensorial and mathematical description of functional behavior.

227 - Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (3) 
Electronic and optical properties of thin films grown by vapor phase transport techniques. Growth mechanisms, kinetics and thermodynamics of vapor phase epitaxy. Special emphasis on the process of metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy for optoelectronic materials and devices.

228 - Computational Materials (3)
Basic computational techniques and their application to simulating the behavior of materials. Techniques include: finite difference methods, Monte Carlo, molecular dynamics, cellular automata, and simulated annealing.

230 - Elasticity/Plasticity (3)
Review of the field equations of elasticity. Energy principles and uniqueness theorems. Elementary problems in 1 and 2 dimensions. Stress functions, complex variable methods and potentials for 3-dimensional analysis. Fundamental solutions in 2 and 3 dimensions. Approximate methods.
Prerequisite: Materials 207 or ME 219
Same course as ME 230.

232 - Plasticity (3)
Plastic, creep, and relaxation behavior of solids. Mechanics of inelastically strained bodies, plastic stress-strain laws; flow potentials.torsion and bending of prismatic bars, expansion of thick shells, plane plastic flow, slip line theory. Variational formulations, approximate methods.
Prerequisite: Materials 207 or ME 219
Same course as ME 232.

234 - Fracture Mechanics (3)
Analytic solutions of a stationary crack under static loading. Elastic and elastoplastic analysis. The J integral. Energy balance andcrack growth. Criteria for crack initiation and growth. Dynamic crack propagation. Fatigue. The micromechanics of fracture.
Prerequisite: Materials 207 or ME 219
Same course as ME 275.

238A - Rheology of Complex Fluids (3)
An introduction to molecular and microscale theories for the viscoelastic behavior of complex fluids: suspensions, colloidal dispersions, liquid crystals, dilute polymer solutions.
Same course as ChE 238A.

240 - Finite Element Structural Analysis (3) 
Definitions and basic element operations. Displacement approach in linear elasticity. Element formulation: direct methods and variational methods. Global analysis procedures: assemblage and solution. Plane stress and plane strain. Solids of revolution and general solids. Isoparametric representation and numerical integration. Computer implementation.
Prerequisite: Materials 207 or equivalent
Same course as ME 271.

241 - Structural Inorganic Chemistry (3)
The use of x-ray and neutron scattering to characterize solid state materials. Subjects include the crystal unit cell, space groups, structure determination and refinement. It is recommended that the student have an elementary introduction to vectors, matrices and fourier series. 
Prerequisites: Chemistry 173A-B and 175; or equivalent
Same course as Chemistry 273.

242 - Symmetries and Group Theory (3)

Symmetries have profound and far-reaching effects on material properties. This course will introduce the fundamentals of symmetry groups as they relate to molecules and crystalline solids. Topics covered include: point and space groups, irreducible representations, tensor properties of materials, Raman and IR selection rules, Landau's theory of phase transitions.

245 - Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Methods (3)
Introduction to electrochemistry and electrochemical methods used to study (photo)electrochemical systems for energy storage and conversion (rechargeable batteries, fuel cells, solar cells). Introduction to corrosion electrochemistry.

251- Processing of Inorganic Materials (3) 
Fundamental concepts are presented for the synthesis of inorganic materials (zeoites, mesoporous materials, and epitaxial films) via chemical routes, and the processing of powders to form engineering shapes. The latter stresses fundamentals for manipulating the forces between particles that control rheological properties, particle packing and the plastic/elastic transition.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor 

253 - Liquid Crystal Materials (4)

Thermotropic and lyotropic liquid crystals (LCs). Classification and phase transitions. LCs in display technology. Laboratory experimentation using x-ray diffraction and polarized optical microscopy to characterize LC phases.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor 

261 - Composite Materials (3) 

Stress and strain relations in composites. Residual stresses. The fracture resistance of organic and inorganic matrix composites. Statistical aspects of fiber failure. Composite laminates and delamination cracks. Cumulative damage concepets. Interface properties. Design criteria.
Prerequisite: Materials 207 or ME 219; Consent of instructor 
Same course as ME 265.

263 - Thin Films and Multilayers (3) 
The development of stresses in thin films and its relaxation. Edge effects and discontinuities. Cracks in films and at interfaces. Delamination of residually stressed films. Buckling and buckle propagation of compressed films. Cyclic behavior and ratcheting effects.

268A - Semiconductor Lasers I (4)
Review of semiconductor physics, growth technology, and materials properties; double-heterostructure and quantum-well laser structures; carrier and photon rate equations; light vs. current characteristics; scattering and transmission matrices; compound cavity, distributed bragg reflector, and distributed feedback lasers.
Prerequisites: MATRL 162A-B and ECE 162C or ECE 162A-B-C ; or ECE 144.
Same course as ECE 227A.

268B - Semiconductor Lasers II (4)
Gain and spontaneous emission vs. injection current in semiconductors; nonradiative recombination; strained-layer quantum wells. Dynamic characteristics of lasers including differential and large signal analysis of the rate equations; relative intensity noise and linewidth; carrier transport and feedback effects.  
Prerequisites: MATRL 268A or ECE 227A; ECE 215A or MATRL 206A or ECE 215A
Same course as ECE 227B.

270 - Biomaterials and Biosurfaces (3)
Fundamentals of natural and artificial biomaterials and biosurfaces with emphasis on molecular level structure and function and their interactions with the body. Design issues of grafts and biopolymers. Basic biological, biophysical, and biochemical systems reviewed for nonbiologists.
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor
Same course as ChE 202 and BMSE 202

271A - Synthesis and Properties of Macromolecules (3) 
Basics of preparation of polymers and macromolecular assemblies, and characterization of large molecules and assemblies. Discussion of quantum mechanics of chemical structure, bonding, and reactivity. Elements of elasticity and viscoelasticity.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor 

271B - Structure and Characterization of Complex Fluids (3) 
Structure, phase behavior, and phase transitions in complex fluids. Characterization techniques including x-ray and neutron scattering, and light and microscopy methods. Systems include colloidal and surfactant dispersions (e.g., polyballs, microemulsions, and micelles), polymeric solutions and biomolecular materials (e.g., lyotropic liquid crystals).

271C - Properties of Macromolecules (3) 
Fundamentals of the properties of macromolecular solutions, melts, and solids. Viscosity, diffusion and light scattering from dilute solutions. Elements of macromolecular solid state structure. Thermal properties and processes. Mechanical and transport properties. Introduction to electrical and optical properties of macromolecules.

273 - Experiments in Macromolecular Materials (3) 
Experiments using x-ray and light scattering, optical and electron microscopy. Crystalline, quasi-crystalline and amorphous materials. Solid, solution and colloidal samples.

274 - Solid State Inorganic Materials (3)
An introductory course describing the synthesis, physical characterization, structure, electronic properties, and uses of solid state materials.
Prerequisite: Chem 173A-B or equivalent 
Same course as Chemistry 274.

276A - Biomolecular Materials I: Structure and Function (3) 
Survey of classes of biomolecules (lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids). Structure and function of molecular machines (enzymes for biosynthesis, motors, pumps).
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
Same course as BSME 276A.

276B - Biomolecular Materials II: Applications (3) 
Interactions and self assembly in biomolecular materials. Chemical and drug delivery systems. Tissue engineering. Protein synthesis using recombinant nucleic acid methods: advanced materials development. Nonvial gene therapy.
Prerequisites: Materials 135 or Physics 135; or Materials 276A

278 - Interactions in Biomolecular Complexes (3) 
Theory of coulombic interactions of biopolymers, lipid membranes, and their complexes. Mean field theories, fluctuation and correlation effects
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor 

279 - First-Principles Calculations for Materials (3) 
Basic theory and methods of electronic structure, illustrated with examples of practical computational methods and real-world applications. Topics: Band structure; Uniform electron gas; Density functional theory; Exchange and correlation; Kohn-Sham equations; Pseudopotentials; Basis sets; Predicting materials properties: bulk, surfaces, interfaces, defects.

280A - Synthesis and Electronic Structures of Conjugated Polymers (3) 
Synthetic routes to conjugated polymers. Band structure and electronic properties. Effects of molecular structure. Processing methods for organic optoelectronic devices. Influence of processing on electronic properties.

280B - Organic Electronic Devices (3) 
Detailed discussion of thin film electronic devices using organic semiconductors. Electronic Structure of disordered organic semiconductors. Transport models. Defects in organic materials. Electrical transport in diodes, light emitting diodes, photovoltaics, and thin film transistors.

281 - Technical Communication and Presentation Design (3) 
Focuses on a practical, hands-on, interactive approach to developing communication skills and presentation style. Using current literature and seminars, critical attributes such as clearly explaining complex ideas, the dos and donts of presentation will be covered.

284 - Synthetic Chemical of Macromolecules (3) 
Molecular architecture and classification of macromolecules. Different methods for the preparation of polymers: free radical polymerization, ionicpolymerization, condensation polymerization and coordination polymerization. Bulk, solution, and emulsion polymerization. Principles of copolymerization, blockcopolymerization, grafting, network formation, chemical reactions on polymers.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor 
Same course as Chemistry 285.

286AA-ZZ - Special Topics in Inorganic Materials (3)
This course will be offered on an irregular basis and will include in-depth discussions of advanced topics in inorganic materials.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor

286C - In Situ / In Operando Methods for Materials Science Research (3)

Overview of various in situ / in operando techniques used to characterize functional materials during normal operation, to investigate the processes of materials synthesis and phase transformations, to isolate transient or metastable states. X-ray absorption spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, IR, Raman, diffraction techniques, magnetic resonance techniques, electron microscopy, etc. Advantages and limitations. Important considerations when devising a new in situ set up / probe.

286D - Advanced TEM (3)

The course is intended for graduate students who are using transmission electron microscopy in their research.  We will cover imaging theory, lens aberrations, contrast transfer functions, dynamical diffraction theories, and diffraction contrast from a wide range of crystal defects (planar defects, dislocations, etc.). The course will also discuss the basics of scanning transmission electron microscopy techniques. The course is meant to complement the more practical training in 209C, but 209C is not a pre-requisite.

286G - Structural Families of Functional Inorganic Materials (3)
In this advanced inorganic materials course, we will learn how different crystal structural classes of materials are inter-related, and how properties evolve as a consequence of the different structural families.

286J - Optical Characterization of Materials (3)

Optical techniques encompass a wide variety of tools for materials characterization. After reviewing light-matter interactions and optical properties of materials, this course will survey a selection of optical techniques commonly used in materials science, including optical conductivity, Raman and IR spectroscopy, the magneto-optic Kerr effect, and photoemission spectroscopy. 

286K - Non-metal to Metal Transitions (3)

The non-metal to metal transition in complex materials provides a continued challenge for our understanding, and more importantly, the phenomenon is associated with a vast array of useful materials properties, including transparent conductors, IR detectors, smart windows, superconductors, and thermoelectrics. In this class, we will examine and rationalize experimental data, with a special focus on complex transition metal oxides.

286L - Magnetism and Magnetic Phase Behavior in Solid State Materials (3)

This course will cover the fundamentals of magnetism’s role in governing symmetry breaking and phase behavior in condensed matter systems. Models of spin behavior, magnetic exchange, critical phase behavior, and experimental methods for the exploring static and dynamic magnetic properties of material systems will be discussed. Course material will be framed in the context of model realizations in existing inorganic materials where appropriate.

286M - Experiments in Inorganic Materials (3)

Experimental methods of interrogating electronic ground states and phase behaviors in inorganic materials will be presented. Examples include heat capacity, spin susceptibility, electrical/thermal transport, Raman, and spin resonance techniques. The fundamental physics and materials properties underlying each technique will be taught and illustrated by the states/phase behaviors accessible by each.

286N- Functional Inorganic Oxides (3)

This course is intended to give a broad overview of the properties, chemistry and applications of functional inorganic oxides.The course is organized according to structure types (rocksalts, fluorites, rutiles, spinels, corundums, garnets, perovskites, zeolites, etc.) picking up important themes and properties within each group.

286Q- Topics in Quantum Materials Measurement (3)

This course will discuss current topics in Quantum Materials Measurement through journal readings, studies of background materials provided, and student presentations. Examples include mesoscopic and quantum transport phenomena as well as phenomena at interfaces and junctions.

287AA-ZZ - Special Topics in Macromolecular Materials (3)
This course will be offered on a irregular basis and will concern in-depth discussions of advanced topics in macromolecular materials.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor 

287A - Structure and Symmetry (3)

Fundamentals of structure and symmetry commonly observed in soft materials. Direct and reciprocal space lattices, symmetry operations, group theory categorization, and tensor calculations of distances, angles, and coordinate transformations. Experimental structure determination. Complex phases.

287T- Materials Tribology (3)

During this course we will discuss (1) the friction, wear, lubricaiton, and contact mechanics of solids, (2) the laboratory equipment and techniques used in tribological investications.

288AA-ZZ - Special Topics in Electronic Materials (3)
This course will be offered on an irregular basis and will concern in-depth discussions of advanced topics in electronic materials.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor

288A - Topics in Quantum Materials (3)
Van de Walle

Selected topics relating to materials issues in Quantum Information Science. Quantum Defects: single-spin centers, single-photon emitters. Natively Entangled Materials.  Interfaced Topological States. 

288K - Power Semiconductor Materialas (3)
Material properties and transport physics relevant to power devices, power rectiflers and transistors, superjunctions, wide bandgap power device technologies, emergintopics in power semiconductors. 

288P - Thin Film and Amorphous Semiconductors (3)

This course will discuss fundamental properties of thin film and amorphous semiconductors with an emphasis on the electronic structure of materials with defective electronic structure. Organic and inorganic materials will be discussed.  Applications of these materials to flexible electronics and photovoltaics will be discussed.

289AA-ZZ - Special Topics in Structural Materials (3)
This course will be offered on an irregular basis and will concern in-depth discussions of advanced topics.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor

289E - Nanomechanics of Crystalline and Disordered Materials (3)
This course is an introduction to nanoscale materials, their properties, and the most common techniques to both characterize and model them. Both crystalline and amorphous materials will be covered. We will focus on cases where novel properties can be obtained relative to their bulk counterparts owing to size or scaling effects, but we will also review bulk mechanisms to lay the foundation for comparative analysis. Our primary target will be mechanical behavior of nanoscaled materials, but we will address other properties throughout the quarter.  Topics to be discussed include: (i) forces and surface interactions at the nanoscale, (ii) structure-property scaling laws, (iii) structural descriptions of disorder in materials, (iv) materials synthesis techniques, (v) small-scale mechanical testing, and (vi) atomistic and multiscale computer modeling. 

289G - Phase Stability & Microstructure Evolution (3)

Phase diagrams for binary, ternary and higher order systems: thermodynamic foundation, construction and applications. Metastability upon synthesis and processing far from equilibrium: approaches, thermodynamic and kinetic principles, phase selection, solubility extension. Stability and evolution of metastable phases and microstructures.

289H - Statistical Mechanics of Crystalline Solids (3)
Van der Ven

This course will cover first-principles methods to predict thermodynamic and kinetic properties of multi-component crystalline solids. Topics will include: (i) a review of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics of crystalline solids; (ii) effective Hamiltonians for configurational and vibrational degrees of freedom with a focus on the Ising model, cluster expansions, harmonic and anharmonic lattice dynamical Hamiltonians; (iii) Monte Carlo methods, low temperature expansions, free energy integration methods; (iv) First-principles methods to calculate multi-component phase diagrams; (v) Order-disorder and structural phase transitions and (vi) Atomic diffusion, transition state theory, kinetic Monte Carlo simulations, Kubo-Green.

289J - Crystal Growth and Solidification (3)

This course addresses crystallization from the melt and solidification of alloys and compounds. Fundamental macroscopic thermal, fluid and mass transfer aspects of growth.  Nucleation, growth, the stability of solid/liquid interfaces and microstructure formation during solidification of multicomponent systems. Crystal growth processes are addressed, including Czrochralski and Bridgman growth, shape casting methods and directed energy processes.

289LM - Dislocations and Dislocation Dynamics (3)

Fundamentals of dislocations in crystalline solids and the dynamical behavior of dislocations. Topics covered include: elastic properties of dislocations, dislocation interactions, intersections, arrays, nucleation and sources. Thermally activated glide and climb will be addressed along with statistical aspects of dislocation – obstacle interactions. Partial dislocations, faults and unique aspects of dislocations in metals, semiconductors, ceramics and intermetallics are covered.

289Q - Micromechanics (3)

Broad overview of micromechanics, emphasizing the microstructure of materials, its connection to atomic structure, and its consequences on macroscopic properties. Topics include order-disorder transition; phase transformations in crystalline solids, including martensitic, ferroelectric, and diffusional phase transformations, twinning and domain patterns, active materials; kinetics of phase transformation; phase field methods with an emphasis on implementing it numerically; computationally interpret the role of diffusion kinetics and surface energy effects on nucleation and growth mechanisms; interpret the origins of material microstructures; as well as several applications to battery electrodes, ferroelectrics, and soft magnets.

289X - Dynamic Mechanical Behavior (3)

Dynamic wave propagation in solids. Elastic, plastic and shock waves. Dynamic test techniques and diagnostic tools. Shock-induced phase transformations. Plastic deformation at high strain rates. Dynamic fracture.

290 - Research Group Studies (1-3)
Students or instructors present recently published papers and/or results relevant to their own research.

501 - Teaching Assistant Practicum (1-4)
Practical experience in the various activities associated with teaching including: lecturing, supervision of laboratories and discussion sections, preparation and grading of homework and exams.

596 - Directed Reading and Research (1-4)

598 - M.S. Thesis Research and Preparation (1-4)

599 - Ph.D. Dissertation Research and Preparation (1-12)
Research and preparation of the dissertation.