Ram Seshadri

Fred and Linda R. Wudl Chair in Materials Science
Distinguished Professor, Materials Department and Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry


(805) 893-6129
3008 Materials Research Lab
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5050


Materials Research Areas: 


Fellow of the American Physical Society
UCSB Academic Senate Graduate Mentoring Award
UCSB Margaret T. Getman Service to Students Award
Fellowship of the Royal Society of Chemistry
Visiting Fellow Commoner, Trinity College, Cambridge, UK

Research Description: 

Research carried out by the group at the interface of physics, chemistry, and materials science, is focused on the crystal chemistry, and crystal-structure — property relations in functional inorganic materials. The functions of interest to us include phosphors, magnetics, thermoelectrics, ferroics, photovoltaics, and redox-activity (for battery applications). A unifying theme in almost every aspect of our work is the compositional tuning of the properties of extended solids through solid solution; sometimes referred to (by us) as the game of x, as, for example, in La<sub>2-x</sub>Sr<sub>x</sub>CuO<sub>4</sub>.


Ph.D. in Solid State Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science
M.S. in Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science
B.Sc. (Honors) in Chemistry, St. Stephens College, Delhi University