G. Robert Odette

Professor Emeritus, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Materials


2343 Engineering II
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5070

Materials Research Areas: 


TMS Fellow
TMS Structural Materials Division Scientist of the Year Award
TMS Symposium in honor of G. R. Odette's scientific contributions: RPV Embrittlement and Fusion Reactor Materials: Measuring, Modeling and Managing Irradiation Effects 2009
ANS Mishima Award
ANS Fellow

Research Description: 

Research focuses on building rigorous models for prediction of material performance in hostile environments, including intense neutron radiation fields in fission and future fusion reactors, as well as developing new high performance, long-lived structural alloys and composites. Research integrates advanced multi-scale models and experiments linking non-equilibrium microstructural evolution, fundamental micromechanics of deformation and fracture, performance sustaining mechanical properties, and structural integrity assessment.


Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
M.S. in Nuclear Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
B.S. in Engineering Science, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute