Professor Shuji Nakamura has received the 2023 LpS Digital Achievement Award from the LED professional Symposium, a large industrial consortium that supports LED research and applications. Prof. Nakamura was specifically recognized for "His impactful contributions to the energy and lighting sectors, his dedication to global sustainability, and his support for ongoing research in laser/LED technology, along with his efforts towards fostering a cohesive global society." More details on the award can be found here.
Prof. Nakamura has been a faculty member in the UCSB Materials Department since 2000, and has been widely lauded for his pioneering research in light emitting wide-bandgap semiconductors. The 2023 LpS award is just the most recent of a long list of recognitions, which most notably includes the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics. More information on Prof. Nakamura's extraordinary career can be found here.