We are delighted to announce that Professor Frank Zok has received the UCSB Faculty Senate Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award for 2020-21. This award recognizes sustained and exemplary contributions in mentoring graduate students, both during their time at UCSB as well as in their subsequent careers. Prof. Zok has been at UCSB for 31 years acting as principal advisor to 30 students, 9 currently in progress, co-advising another 14 students and also mentoring 23 post-doctoral researchers. His students are inspired by his world renown expertise in high temperature materials, especially ceramic matrix composites, as well as in topological design and manufacturing of cellular structures, bioinspired materials, and impact resistant structures. He is the founder and director of two industry-funded collaborative centers of excellence in composites for gas turbine applications, which benefit students through meaningful interactions with technology as well as with international researchers. Prof. Zok’s nomination was led by two of his graduate students, who affectionally identify their group as “Team Zok”, and enthusiastically endorsed by alumni and faculty colleagues. We are very fortunate to have Prof. Zok as an outstanding mentor of students in the Materials Department. read more