Thursday, April 2, 2020
The Materials Department would like to acknowledge our 2020 Graduate Student Fellowship Awardees
The Department congratulates our NSF Graduate Research Fellowship recipients and those who received honorable mentions.
Department Chair, Prof. Michael Chabinyc says, “The NSF fellowships recognize the research abilities of our students as well as their plans for educating the next generation and public about materials research."
Emily Foley (Clement)
Collen Reynolds (Van der Ven)
Justin Mayer (Seshadri/Pollock)
Rebecca Vincent (Seshadri)
Allison Chau (Pitenis)
Emily Foley (Clement)
Collen Reynolds (Van der Ven)
Justin Mayer (Seshadri/Pollock)
Rebecca Vincent (Seshadri)
Allison Chau (Pitenis)
Honorable Mention
Howie Nguyen (Clement)
Samuel Wanrock (Bates)
Howie Nguyen (Clement)
Samuel Wanrock (Bates)
News Type:
Student & Postdoc Honors